Patterson Park

Ashley + Eddie : BMore Licks and Patterson Park Engagement Session | Baltimore, Maryland

I love hearing about when couples’ paths cross, but they don’t officially meet until that perfect moment in time when all of the stars align and everything begins to play out as it was all intended to...

Ashley and Eddie both went to Penn State, but didn’t meet until they were both in Baltimore for a New Year’s Eve party. After falling in love and realizing their lives were meant to be spent with each other forever, Eddie proposed on a beach in California, right at sunset… And of course, she said yes… (swoon!)

They currently live out in San Diego but wanted to have their wedding here in Baltimore, as it’s a good central spot for their families and it’s where their relationship officially began… So they’re planning for a September wedding at Cosima! I absolutely love it there and can’t wait to celebrate with them!

So on the day of their Engagement Session, we met at BMore Licks for some ice cream before heading across Eastern Avenue to walk around Patterson Park for the afternoon. The line was long! But so worth the wait.

They each got the same cone, mint chocolate chip with rainbow sprinkles, so they didn’t have to share, they said. Haha! But the cute thing is, they ended up sharing anyway… :)

I love when my couples enter their own little world together and enjoy their time together without even thinking about the camera… They just walked, talked, enjoyed their cones, and had fun!

Spring was just finally settling in, and it was our first nice warm day we’d had yet! It was nice to see the park filling up with families playing, runners running, dogs jumping to catch frisbees, and of course - happy-in-love couples being all cute and sweet and lovey dovey like these two… :)

Their smiles are so genuine and happy… They were so cute and touchy and giggly with one another, I just loved it! It made the shoot so fun and sweet… When you can just FEEL their connection and how real it is… that’s a really special thing.

Can’t wait for this September with these two! Safe flights back to California… next time I see them, they’ll be gettin’ hitched!